“I lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.” (Neil Gaiman)

Trois Mois aka First of many random posts

It's been 3 months since my last entry. Much has happened, almost all of it work-related. It's mostly been chaotic and for all intents and appearances, has done little to strengthen my state of mind. I wake up most nights in a cold sweat and with my heart racing, thinking that the world around me would collapse due to my incompetence. Mostly, work has put my resilience (or perhaps lack thereof) through the most rigorous of tests.

On the other hand, it has made me turn more to God for strength and advice. I've never prayed or read the Bible more. He has sustained me and given me strength when I have felt spent and adrift. He has also given me alot of help along the way, telling me in no uncertain terms that I am not alone in all this. He has also been advising me to stop treating this stage of my life like the Tour de France, complete with mountaineous and perilously narrow routes and blisters from the pedalling.

I will certainly try my best not to think it so...

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