“I lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.” (Neil Gaiman)

The F Word

Vacation time means unleashing my inner Donna (or Nigel or Jamie, depending on which cookbook I happened to be poring over). Nothing fancy or elaborate - just grub that I would clean off my own plate (and hopefully others would too!).

Some of the dishes I prepared this time include:

Seafood bouillabaise with generous lashings of rouille (it's the green stuff in the picture; dead simple to do and most delicious!)

Potato gratin (or pommes dauphinoise if I wanted to sound pretentious)

Chocolate chip & cranberry cookies (combined effort with WD)

Maiden attempt at blueberry & banana muffins (another combined effort with WD - there's still room for improvement!)

There's more which I will put up once the pics are ready. It was great fun and most theraupeutic!

1 comment:

denzie said...

Wow! Everything looks FABULOUS! tsk tsk... see what a little R&R can do for a person?? I'm glad you had a good time there and even had time to explore your culinary genius.