“I lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.” (Neil Gaiman)

Still here even though it's been...

Six months since my last update! Inexcusable.

It's all been good though. I am happier, if slightly more world-weary and circumspect.

It has also been a great time of recovery, especially of things I loved which were left by the wayside during the storm - favourite books, tunes and beloved people that splashed my life with much needed colour.

In any case, let's hope I won't forget the lessons I learnt, because it's almost a certainty that I will need them again.

In the meantime, I am losing myself to Alison Krauss' rendition of "Carolina on My Mind" before turning in. I love how this song softens the night.

1 comment:

vantan said...

Hurrah, you're blogging again! :)